Premium Free-Draining Subsoil

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Happy Customers
your Bury Hill Black, it is definitely the best soil I have ever seen, very rich and a pleasure to work and plant.
Tim Jenkins, London, SW3
made a difference to hedging areas
Philip Yarnell, Betchworth, Surrey

Premium Free-Draining Subsoil

• Free Draining Subsoil
• Compaction Resistant Subsoil
• A Wide Range of General Landscaping Uses
• Trees, Shrubs and Amenity Grass where a free-draining subsoil is required

Our Premium Free-Draining Subsoil is best described as a non-saline, stone-free sand with a narrow particle size distribution. The free-draining nature of this subsoil is confirmed by the predominance of medium sand (0.25-0.50mm) and a lower proportion of coarse sand (0.50-1.0mm), along with a saturated hydraulic conductivity of 327mm/hr.

This subsoil complies with the British Standard for Subsoil (BS8601:2013), except for the high sand content. This non-compliance is considered minor, provided your project requires a free-draining subsoil.

If you need a faster draining subsoil, you might like to consider a product from our range of Washed Sands

Premium Free-Draining Subsoil is tested by the UK’s leading Soil Science and Landscape Engineering Consultants, Tim O’Hare Associates

Premium Free-Draining Subsoil – Soil Report

• Free-Draining
• Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: 327mm/hr
• Minimum CBR (California Bearing Ratio): 5%
• pH: 8.1
• Organic Matter: <0.5%
• Sand Texture
• Narrow Particle Size Distribution
• Contaminant Free

Availability:  Bulk Bags and Loose

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