Woodland Shade Wildflowermat

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Everything was fine – thank you.
Mike Urch, Epsom, Surrey
Best soil and turf ever purchased
John Close, Godalming, Surrey

Woodland Shade Wildflowermat

Woodland Shade Wildflowermat Turf is a blend of 35 native wildflowers and 3 grasses, which are typically found growing in woodland margins and hedgerows. Ideal for those shady spots in the garden where many garden flowers struggle, Woodland Shade will grow happily in dappled light areas which generally get some sun, however Woodland Shade cannot tolerate really deep shaded areas which should be avoided.

Flowering from April through to October, Woodland Shade Wildflowermat will bring a welcome splash of colour to your garden, whilst also providing a valuable wildlife habitat. And should you wish to extend the flowering period, install Woodland Shade Wildflowermat turf over the top of spring flowering bulbs such as snowdrops, crocus, native daffodils and fritillaries for extra early spring colour.

Key Facts:

• 70% native wildflower seed mix with 30% native woodland grasses.
• A vibrant colourful mix of largely perennial plants.
• Stunning flower varieties in shades of yellow, white, pink and purple.
• Requires cutting back once a year, with no other maintenance required
• Standard turf mat size is 2000mm x 500mm (1m2).
• Each Woodland Shade Wildflowermat Turf will cover 1 square metre of prepared soil. With a saturated weight of up to 24Kg/m2, we advise you to seek an extra pair of hands to help when laying.
• We recommend laying onto a 150mm minimum depth of low nutrient soil. Please click here to link to our Low Fertility soils.

Low Fertility Topsoil

Key Benefits:
• A vibrant colourful mix of perennial plants for sustainability and lower maintenance.
• All but one of the plant species in our Woodland Shade Mix are perennial, which means that you will be enjoy them every year without replanting or reseeding, provided of course they are enjoying the conditions in your garden!
• Not all of the flowering species are perennial. We’ve included some annual and bi-annual plants too. These may not appear every year, but when they do, they will bring a welcome surprise.
• Long flowering period from spring through to autumn.
• Flowering Times: April – October (depending on local weather conditions) with the strongest flush of flowers in late spring.
• Woodland Shade Wildflowermat creates a hugely valuable wildlife habitat for a wide selection of small mammals, birds, bees and pollinating insects.
• Woodland Shade Wildflowermat is trimmed before despatch to minimise any damage to plants during transit. Therefore, it will not be in flower when delivered.
• Although you can install Wildflowermat at any time of the year, Autumn is a great time of year to install Woodland Shade Wildflowermat Turf, as the winter gives the plants a chance to root, ready to bloom in early spring.
• The balance of plant species in Woodland Shade, is influenced by the local microclimate, weather conditions, plant management and pollinator populations. It’s a truly biodiverse and natural evolving, adaptable product, which will change appearance from year to year.
• Very easy to install, the ground stabilising mat is pre-populated with living plants. Simply prepare the ground as instructed, unroll, peg down (if on a slope), and water frequently until plants and roots are well established.
• Woodland Shade is an important source of food for caterpillars and therefore a vital part of butterfly and moth life cycles.
• Woodland Shade will produce an abundance of autumn seed heads producing a ready supply of insects and larvae for birds.
• The mass of wildflowers will suppress annual weed seeds and helps stop weeds from germinating.

Where to grow Woodland Shade Wildflowermat
Woodland Shade Wildflowermat prefers to grow in partial shade and moist ground conditions, but well drained soil. Please avoid planting in deep shade, the plants do need some daylight in order to thrive. Our Woodland Shade Wildflowermat Turf is happiest in a fairly neutral pH soil, but will tolerate all but the most acidic or alkaline soils.

To get the best from your Woodland Shade Wildflowermat Turf, we suggest that  it is installed onto our Low Fertility soil, as this helps to regulate the growth of the grasses so that the flowering plants continue to thrive without competition.

Low Fertility Topsoil

Wildlife Friendly!
Woodland Shade is grown outdoors on a wildlife friendly plant nursery. We actively encourage birds, insects and other creatures to share the benefits of the plants as they grow. We do not normally use Pesticides and Weedkillers in any wildflower turf production.

What is Wildflowermat?
Our Wildflowermat is a modern landscaping material especially developed to help UK gardeners establish biodiverse planting areas quickly and easily. Plants are grown from seed onto a thin layer of growing medium where their roots intertwine to form a strong living mat. The mat can be rolled up (without damaging roots or plants) to allow this blanket of plants to be transported and re-laid into your garden.

How to Install and Care for Woodland Shade Wildflowermat?

Woodland Shade Wildflowermat Turf is largely a do-nothing approach to gardening. There is no need for fertilisers or sprays as the plants are self-sufficient. Simply leave them to grow unchecked between February and August. The biggest burst of the flowers will appear in May followed by smatterings of colour through summer. At the end of summer, use a scythe or similar tool to take off the vegetation – leave just 10 – 15 cm to re-grow and take away all of the trimmings. Mow once or twice in the autumn to remove excess growth and then let it overwinter. If you are growing Woodland Shade Wildflowermat Turf under trees, please remove fallen leaves in the autumn so that air can continue to get to the plants.

What Seeds are In Woodland Shade Wildflowermat?
Please note, percentages refer to the weight of the seed in the growing mix and do not necessarily reflect the proportions of mature plants.

30% native grasses
Pretty grasses to help retain soil moisture and create wildlife habitat.

• Crested dogstail
• Sheeps Fescue
• Yellow Oatgrass

70% native wildflowers

• Autumn hawkbit
• Betony
• Birdsfoot trefoil
• Catsear
• Common knapweed
• Common Sorrel
• Common toadflax
• Common vetch
• Cowslip
• Daisy
• Dames violet
• Field Scabious
• Kidney vetch
• Ladys bedstraw
• Meadow Buttercup
• Meadow Cranesbill
• Meadow vetchling
• Meadowsweet
• Musk Mallow
• Pepper saxifrage
• Primrose
• Ragged robin
• Red campion
• Ribwort plantian
• Rough hawkbit
• Salad burnet
• Sanfoin
• Selfheal
• Tufted Vetch
• White campion
• Wild carrot
• Wild marjoram
• Wild Mignonette
• Wood Sage
• Yellow Rattle

Purchasing Options:
• This product is sold by the square meter (m2), Wildflowermat rolls generally measure 2m x 0.5m which equates to 1 sq.mt, but can vary depending on the cutting machine being used.
• There is no minimum order quantity, however delivery will be on a pallet, which can take up to 50 wildflower turf. So the please try to order as close to a full pallet as you can to keep the pallet delivery costs down.

Wildflower Turf Delivery Considerations

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