LG Meadow Mixture

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Sam Sawkings, Redhill, Surrey
  • LG Meadow Mixture

LG Meadow Mixture

Suitable for:
• Creating Traditional Wildflower Meadows
• A Wide Range of Soil Types

A traditional mixture without ryegrass for farmers wishing to recreate the meadows of the past.
Meadow mixture is well suited to low fertility situations, flood meadows and conservation areas. Mixed herbs or chicory can be supplied separately for mixing in the drill, to enhance the nutritional benefits of the sward.

Technical Information
100% Natural & Untreated
45% Meadow Fescue
10% Rough Stalked Meadowgrass
7.5% Smooth-Stalked Meadowgrass
7.5% Creeping Red Fescue
17% Timothy
2% Crested Dog’s Tail
0.5% Meadow Foxtail
2.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil
2% Alsike
3% Small-leaved White Clover
3% Medium-leaved White Clover

CARING FOR YOUR WILDFLOWERS Caring for your wildflowers
VIEW THE BROCHURE HERE Wildflower Brochure

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