LG Flower Rich Margin

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Happy Customers
great service and a fantastic product
Robert Cley, Guildford, Surrey
soil looks really nice quality
Alan Wild, Redhill, Surrey
  • LG Flower Rich Margin

LG Flower Rich Margin

Suitable for:
• Field Margins & Buffers
• A Wide Range of Soil Types

A Low Maintenance mix, this mixture will produce a habitat for bees and butterflies in the second year. The area can be mowed in the first year to help tillering.

• Suitable for Countryside Stewardship Option AB8.

Mixture Formulation:
80% Grass Mixture
Browntop bent
Chewings fescue Crested dogstail
Sheeps fescue
Slender creeping red fescue
Smooth stalked meadow grass
Strong creeping red fescue
20% Floral Mixture
Birdsfoot trefoil
Black medic
Kidney vetch
Oxeye daisy
Lady’s Bedstraw
Salad burnet
Wild carrot
Red clover
Ribwort plantain
St John’s Wort
White campion

CARING FOR YOUR WILDFLOWERS Caring for your wildflowers
VIEW THE BROCHURE HERE Wildflower Brochure

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