LG Bee Mixture

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Great service and a great company.
Colin Penney, East Horsley, Surrey
material looks excellent
Peter Denyer, Headley, Epsom, Sy
  • LG Bee Mixture

LG Bee Mixture

Suitable for:
• Ornamental & Landscape Areas
• Attracting Bumble Bees & Pollinaters
• A Wide Range of Soil Types

Phacelia acts as a prolific flowering nurse crop whilst the red clover and sainfoin establish. The phacelia will produce a fantastic display of purple flowers that bees will love. You will be able to hear the mixture buzz!

• Suitable for Countryside Stewardship Option AB1.

Mixture Formulation:

Birdsfoot trefoil


Alsike clover


Oxeye daisy

Wild carrot
Red clover


Pack Size: 5kg, 0.5-hectare unit
Sowing Rate: 1.2g/m2

CARING FOR YOUR WILDFLOWERS Caring for your wildflowers
VIEW THE BROCHURE HERE Wildflower Brochure

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