DOT (Department of Transport Official Seed Mix)

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Lesley Burnill, Walliswood, Surrey
prompt delivery of two topsoils
Brian Trowse, High Wycombe, Bucks

DOT (Department of Transport Official Seed Mix)

• Roadside Verges
• Embankments & Roundabouts
• Tolerates A Wide Range of Soils

Bury Hill DOT Grass Seed fully conforms to the specifications of the Department of Transport Official Seed Mix.  DOT seed mix is suitable for a wide range of different soils, producing a robust, thick, hard wearing sward making it ideal for roadside verges, embankments and roundabouts. Sowing Rate: 20g/m2.

• Ryegrass mixture
• Official Department of Transport Mix
• Suitable for a wide range of different soils
• Thick, hardwearing sward
• Fast recovery
• Treated with HEADSTART® GOLD    

Sowing Rate:

25% Passion Perennial Ryegrass
20% Corail Strong Creeping Red Fescue
30% Crystal Hard Fescue
10% Yvette Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
10% Highland Browntop Bent
5% Alice White Clover

Purchasing Options
Bag Sizes: 20kg bags

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