Sand/Compost Contract Rootzone (50/50) 5mm

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Happy Customers
rhododendrons and magnolias love it.
Anthony Synott, Woking
soil is lovely quality
Chris Westcott, Seaford, East Sussex

Sand/Compost Contract Rootzone (50/50) 5mm

• Natural Sportsturf
• Winter Sports Pitches
• Garden Lawns, Ornamental/Formal Lawns
• Renovating Wear & Tear in Goal Mouths
• Divot Repair
• Boosting Nitrogen & Nutrients

Bury Hill’s range of Sand/Compost Contract Rootzones are produced using a free-draining sand and a premium grade PAS100 Green Compost.  Our Sand/Compost Contract Rootzone (50/50) is popular for renovating wear and tear in goal mouths and for divot repair.

Our range of Sand/Compost Contract Rootzones are pre-mixed in a dedicated mixing station, drum blended and screened using a true 5mm x 5mm screen.  This process unlike other screening equipment, such as piano wire screens, produces a premium quality Rootzone that is consistent, easy to handle and never fails to impress our clients.

Please note, the faster your rootzone drains, the more maintenance required with regards to watering in dry conditions and potentially feeding to maintain healthy and continued growth of your sportsturf, lawns and amenity grass areas.

Sand/Compost Contract Rootzone (50/50) 5mm is tested by the UK’s leading Soil Science and Landscape Engineering Consultants, Tim O’Hare Associates

• Scientifically verified
• Supplied as a moist product
• Narrow particle size distribution
• Predominance of Medium Sand (0.25-0.50mm)
• Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: 18mm/hr
• pH: 8.8
• Screen: 5mm x 5mm
• Compaction resistant
• Contaminate Free

Availability: Loose (bulk bags and small bags by arrangement)

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