Fine Tees Seed Mix
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thank you to the driver who has done a great job
Ben Winsor, Cranleigh, Surrey
really impressed by your delivery
Allison Ducker, Dorking, Surrey
Fine Tees & Fairways
Suitable for:
• Golf Tees, Fairways & Surrounds
A superb non-ryegrass mixture for tees, fairways and surrounds. This mixture will produce a dense, attractive, fine sward that recovers quickly from divoting and play damage.
Key Features
• Non ryegrass tees and fairways
• Dense sward
• Fine appearance
Mixture Formulation
• 50% Heidrun Strong Creeping Red Fescue
• 25% Caldris Chewings Fescue
• 25% Smirna Slender Creeping Red Fescue
Technical Information
Sowing Rate: 30-50g/m2
Cutting Height: 15mm
Purchasing Options
Bag Sizes: 10kg & 20kg bags