Sand/Soil Contract Rootzone (50/50) 5mm

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Sand/Soil Contract Rootzone (50/50) 5mm

• Renovation, Construction & Top Dressing of High Use/Formal Lawns
• Renovation and Top Dressing of Natural Sports-Turf
• Renovating Wear & Tear in Goal Mouths
• Divot Repair

Our Sand/Soil Contract Rootzone (50/50) has been formulated so that it can be used for both top dressing and the construction of your high-use/formal lawns.  Furthermore, this product is popular for renovating wear and tear in goal mouths and for divot repair.

All of our Sand/Soil Contract Rootzones are pre-mixed in a dedicated mixing station, blended in a top of the range Trommel and screened using a true 5mm x 5mm screen.  This process unlike other screening equipment, such as piano wire screens, produces a premium quality Rootzone that never fails to impress our clients.

You may like to consider our High Permeability Turfsoil for a faster draining material and our Washed/Contract Sands may also be of interest.  Follow the links in green for full scientific reports.

Sand/Soil Contract Rootzone (50/50) 5mm is tested by the UK’s leading Soil Science and Landscape Engineering Consultants, Tim O’Hare Associates

Sand/Soil Contract Rootzone (50/50) 5mm – Soil Report

• Scientifically verified
• Supplied as a moist product
• Narrow particle size distribution
• Predominance of Medium Sand (0.25-0.5mm)
• Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: 38mm/hr
• Compaction Resistant
• Screen: 5mm x 5mm
• pH: 8.0

Availability:  Bulk Bags and Loose 

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