GP10 Plus (Sandy Loam) Topsoil (S)

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GP10 Plus Sandy Loam Topsoil (S)

• General Landscaping, Trees & Shrubs
• Prestigious Planting Schemes
• Commercial Landscaping Projects

GP10 Plus Topsoil is our best-selling GP10 Multi-Purpose Topsoil with added clay.

Our GP10 Topsoil already has a well-deserved reputation for being an outstanding, well-rounded quality topsoil and due to our GP10 being a complex three-way blend of a free-draining sand, compost supplied by a limited number of quality suppliers and clay, we think it’s the perfect manufactured topsoil.

Clay helps your topsoil to hold on to water and nutrients.  We wanted to see if we could maximise these benefits without negatively effecting the beautiful crumb structure and all year-round workability of our existing GP10 Topsoil (S).

The sticky nature of clay allows the different types of particles in a soil to adhere to each other and form crumbs and this makes for a good soil structure.  Furthermore, due to clay being negatively charged, it attracts and makes available to plants, many of the nutrients essential for healthy plant growth.

Good soil structure provides physical support for plants, a balance between water-holding and appropriate levels of drainage, air, nutrients and a home for all the organisms that play an essential part in making a soil suitable for plant growth. 

With our GP10 Plus Topsoil we have marginally increased the clay content and produced a first class sandy loam topsoil, which holds on to water for a little longer than our traditional GP10 Topsoil.  However, by not pushing the clay content too high, our GP10 Plus maintains the drainage and aeration properties you will need for your general gardening and landscape applications.


GP10 Plus Sandy Loam Topsoil (S) is tested by the UK’s leading Soil Science and Landscape Engineering Consultants, Tim O’Hare Associates

GP10 Plus Sandy Loam Topsoil (S) - Soil Report
GP10 Multi-Purpose Topsoil (S) - Soil Report

What is BS3882:2015?

What is Manufactured Topsoil

• Sandy Loam Topsoil
• Scientifically verified
• British Standard: BS3882:2015
• Screened to 10mm
• Hydraulic Conductivity: 6mm/hr
• pH 8.1
• Adequate drainage and aeration properties
• Sufficient reserves of organic matter
• Friable and easy to handle
• Contaminate free

Availability:  Bulk Bags and Loose

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