High Permeability Bio Retention Soil (R)

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High Permeability Bio Retention Soil (R)

• Sustainable Urban Drainage Schemes (SuDS)
• Nature based SuDS Projects
• SuDS Bioretention Basins, Swales & Trenches
• Filter Media for Managing Surface Water
• Filter Media for Sustainable Urban Drainage Schemes (SuDS)

Our High Permeability Bioretention Soil (R) is part of our SuDS Soils range, specifically tailored for nature-based SuDS Bio Retention projects, such as Bio Retention Basins, Swales and Trenches, which demand a high permeability rate.

The fast-draining properties of this Bio Retention Soil are evident through the predominance of medium sand (0.25-0.50mm) and a lower proportion of coarse sand (0.50-1.0mm), coupled with a very high saturated hydraulic conductivity of 315mm/hr.

Achieving the desired high permeability for this specific Bio Retention Soil (R) means the organic matter and nitrogen levels are on the low side. These factors may affect the suitability of this soil for your scheme. Depending on your project's requirements, you could consider an appropriate amendment to address these factors.

You may also wish to consider our  Moderate Permeability Bio Retention Soil (S) with higher levels of organic matter and nutrients.

High Permeability Bio Retention Soil (R) is tested by the UK’s leading Soil Science and Landscape Engineering Consultants, Tim O’Hare Associates

High Permeability Bio Retention Soil (R) – Soil Report

• Scientifically verified
• Fast draining
• Saturated hydraulic conductivity: 315mm/hr
• Sufficiently permeable and porous to avoid waterlogging
• High-water attenuation capacity
• Compaction resistant
• pH: 8.5
• Screened to 10mm

Availability: Bulk Bags and Loose

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