GP10 Multi-Purpose Topsoil (S)

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Delivery and product as promised
Chris Hupp, International School, Cobham, Surrey
The mixed seasoned logs were some of the best we have ever burned
Jim Miller, Cranliegh

GP10 Multi-Purpose Topsoil (S)

• General Landscaping, Trees & Shrubs
• Prestigious Planting Schemes
• Commercial Landscaping Projects
• Seeding & Turfing
• Repairing Uneven Lawns

Our GP10 Multi-Purpose Topsoil is our best-selling British Standard Topsoil, which has been delivered to many prestigious landscaping projects and notable gardens.  GP10 has been specifically blended for planting beds including for trees & shrubs, seeding and turfing.

Our GP10 is a blended soil with a pH of 8.4 and has been fine-tuned over many years to provide a multi-purpose topsoil with a good balance between soil aeration and drainage but also with an appropriate level of water-holding capacity for plant uptake.

As with most blended soils, our GP10 is produced using primary single source sand, PAS100 Green Compost but at Bury Hill we add a third component to boost the clay content, which improves soil structure.

A well-structured soil is the main aim of soil management and is critical for the successful growth of plants.

Good soil structure provides physical support for plants, a balance between water-holding and appropriate levels of drainage, air, nutrients and a home for all the organisms that play an essential part in making a soil suitable for plant growth. 

GP10 is fully compliant with the British Standard for topsoil; BS3882:2015 and is a favourite with both our commercial landscapers and retail clients.

If you require a soil for over-seeding or top-dressing an existing lawn then you will need a product from our range of Dressings & Rootzones


GP10 Multi-Purpose Topsoil (S) is tested by the UK’s leading Soil Science and Landscape Engineering Consultants, Tim O’Hare Associates

GP10 Multi-Purpose Topsoil (S) - Soil Report

What is BS3882:2015?

What is Manufactured Topsoil

• Industry favourite
• Scientifically verified
• British Standard: BS3882:2015
• Screened to 10mm
• Hydraulic Conductivity: 52mm/hr
• pH 8.4
• Sufficient reserves of organic matter
• Friable and easy to handle
• Contaminate free

Availability:  Bulk Bags and Loose

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