Bury Hill Gardening Calendar – September Gardening Tips

Gardening calendar September

September gardening tips

Autumn days are upon us…

September brings cooler weather and shorter days. Now is the time to enjoy your autumn harvest of fruit and vegetables and start to think about planting for next spring too.

What to do in the garden in September

Plants and Flowers

Plant your spring flowering bulbs now to have them ready for early flowering next year.


Enjoy the abundance of autumn blackberries and raspberries and get creative with them in the kitchen.


Get the last of the potatoes out of the garden and ensure you have protected any leafy vege such as lettuce with bird proof netting.

Top 5 Gardening Tasks for September

  •  Separate herbaceous perennials.
  • Gather and plant seeds from perennials as well as hardy annuals.
  • Protect your ponds from being clogged up by autumn leaves by covering them in netting.
  • Pay attention to your houseplant watering – the cooler weather means you can cut back.
  • Have an ‘end of summer’ clean of your greenhouse, pots and sheds to have everything ready for the coming months.

For helpful tips and advice throughout the year you can Download our full 12 month calendar here